If I can see hair I can make it disappear . . . permanently

About Anne Michelle
Over 35 years experience as an Electrolysist Anne Michelle offers treatments for hair removal and removal of skin tags.
I help people get comfortable naked…by freeing them from unwanted hair with Electrolysis, permanently.
I am a passionate Climate Action person and encourage my clients to walk, bike or bus to their appointments and give 10% off. Lowering their carbon footprint and mine.
“We all need to take responsibility and do Our bit. Take-The-Jump are seven shifts that the average person can do to tread more lightly on this Planet. There is no Planet B. Go to www.takethejump.org.nz signup and learn more.”
How to Book
Normally, it is good to start with a consultation which takes 30 - 40 minutes, during this initial consultation Anne Michelle will talk to you about your problem area/s you want treated, discuss the background to the issue and any family history, ascertain what treatment you may have sought already, explain the process and how the equipment works and advise you of what to expect after the treatment.